Bayesian computations

Unit A.1: R programming and MCMC


Tommaso Rigon


Autoregressive processes (example)

The following code allows for simulation from an autoregressive process to illustrate Markov chains on a continuous state space.

Let Y^{(0)} \sim N(10, 1) and let us define

Y^{(r)} = \rho Y^{(r-1)} + \epsilon^{(r)}, \qquad \phi \in \mathbb{R},

with the error terms \epsilon^{(r)} being iid according to a standard Gaussian \text{N}(0,1).

Then the sequence of Y^{(r)} forms indeed a Markov chain and the transition density is such that

(y^{(r)} \mid y^{(r-1)}) \sim \text{N}(\rho y^{(r-1)}, 1).

If the parameter |\rho| < 1, then the Markov chain has a more “stable” behavior (i.e., the process is stationary).

R <- 300

# Stationary process
rho <- 0.5
y_stat <- numeric(R + 1)
y_stat[1] <- rnorm(1, 30, 1)
for(r in 1:R){
    y_stat[r + 1] = rho * y_stat[r] + rnorm(1)

plot(y_stat, type = "l")

# Non-stationary process
rho <- 1
y_nstat <- numeric(R + 1)
y_nstat[1] <- rnorm(1, 100, 1)
for(r in 1:R){
    y_nstat[r + 1] = rho * y_nstat[r] + rnorm(1)
plot(y_nstat, type = "l")

Gaussian example

Suppose we wish to simulate from a Gaussian distribution \text{N}(\mu, \sigma^2) using a MH algorithm, whose density is \pi(y).

This is a toy example because one would use rnorm in practice. For the proposal distribution q(y^* \mid y), we can use a uniform random walk, namely y^* = y + u, \qquad u \sim \text{Unif}(-\epsilon, \epsilon). The choice of \epsilon > 0 will impact the algorithm, as we shall see.

Random walks are symmetric proposals distributions, so q(y^* \mid y) = q(y \mid y^*). This means the acceptance probability \alpha is equal to \alpha(y^*, y) = \min\left\{1, \frac{\pi(y^*)} {\pi(y)}\right\}.

The following code is implemented in R for a generic Gaussian with mean mu and standard deviation sig. Moreover, here, x0 is the starting value, and ep corresponds to \epsilon.

norm_mcmc <- function(R, mu, sig, ep, x0) {
    # Initialization
    out <- numeric(R + 1)
    out[1] <- x0
    # Beginning of the chain
    x <- x0
    # Metropolis algorithm
    for(r in 1:R){
        # Proposed values
        xs     <- x + runif(1, -ep, ep)
        # Acceptance probability
        alpha  <- min(dnorm(xs, mu, sig) / dnorm(x, mu, sig), 1)
        # Acceptance/rejection step
        accept <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = alpha)
        if(accept == 1) {
            x <- xs
        out[r + 1] <- x
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

sim1 <- norm_mcmc(1000, mu = 2, sig = 5, ep = 100, x0 = 50)
sim2 <- norm_mcmc(1000, mu = 2, sig = 5, ep = 50, x0 = 50)
sim3 <- norm_mcmc(1000, mu = 2, sig = 5, ep = 10, x0 = 50)
sim4 <- norm_mcmc(1000, mu = 2, sig = 5, ep = 1, x0 = 50)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(sim1, type = "l", main = "ep = 100", ylab = "y", xlab = "iteration")
plot(sim2, type = "l", main = "ep = 50", ylab = "y", xlab = "iteration")
plot(sim3, type = "l", main = "ep = 10", ylab = "y", xlab = "iteration")
plot(sim4, type = "l", main = "ep = 1", ylab = "y", xlab = "iteration")

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

# Simulate the MH chain
sim <- norm_mcmc(50000, mu = 2, sig = 5, ep = 10, x0 = 50)

# Identify a burn-in period
burn_in <- 1:200
sim <- sim[-c(burn_in)]
# Plot the results
hist(sim, breaks = 100, freq = FALSE)
curve(dnorm(x, 2, 5), add = T) # This is usually not known!

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

Example: bivariate Gaussian distribution

dbvnorm <- function(x, rho) {
    exp(-(x[1]^2 - 2 * rho * x[1] * x[2] + x[2]^2) / (2 * (1 - rho^2)))
bvnorm_mcmc <- function(R, rho, ep, x0) {
    out <- matrix(0, R + 1, 2)
    out[1, ] <- x0
    x <- x0
    for(r in 1:R){
        for(j in 1:2){
            xs <- x
            xs[j] <- x[j] + runif(1, -ep[j], ep[j])
            alpha <- min(dbvnorm(xs, rho) / dbvnorm(x, rho), 1) # Acceptance probability
            accept <- rbinom(1, size = 1, prob = alpha) # Acceptance / rejection step
            if(accept == 1) {
                x[j] <- xs[j]
        out[r + 1, ] <- x
sim <- bvnorm_mcmc(1000, rho = 0.85, ep = c(2, 2), x0 = c(10, 10))
plot(sim, type = "b")

The hearth dataset

First, load the stanford2 dataset, available in the survival R package. As described in the documentation, this dataset includes:

Survival of patients on the waiting list for the Stanford heart transplant program.

See also the documentation of the hearth dataset for a more complete description. The survival times are saved in the time variable, which can be either complete (status = 1) or censored (status = 0).

Let \textbf{t} = (t_1,\dots,t_n)^\intercal be the vector of the observed survival times and let \textbf{d} = (d_1,\dots,d_n)^\intercal be the corresponding binary vector of censorship statuses. We load these quantities in R and obtain the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function.

t <- stanford2$time # Survival times
d <- stanford2$status # Censorship indicator

# Kaplan-Meier estimate
fit_KM <- survfit(Surv(t, d) ~ 1)

Weibull model and likelihood function

We are interested in fitting a Bayesian model to estimate the survival function and quantify the associated uncertainty. A standard parametric model for survival data is the Weibull model, which has the following density, hazard, and survival functions f(t \mid \alpha, \beta) = \frac{\alpha}{\beta}\left(\frac{t}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha - 1}\exp\left\{- \left(\frac{t}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha}\right\}, \quad h(t \mid \alpha, \beta) = \frac{\alpha}{\beta}\left(\frac{t}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha - 1}, and S(t \mid \alpha, \beta) = \exp\left\{- \left(\frac{t}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha}\right\}. The likelihood for this parametric model, under suitable censorship assumptions, is the following \mathscr{L}(\alpha, \beta; \textbf{t},\textbf{d}) \propto \prod_{i=1}^n h(t_i \mid \alpha, \beta)^{d_i} S(t_i \mid \alpha, \beta) = \prod_{i : d_i=1}f(t_i \mid \alpha, \beta) \prod_{i: d_i = 0}S(t_i \mid \alpha,\beta), because f(t \mid \alpha, \beta) = h(t\mid \alpha,\beta)S(t \mid \alpha, \beta).

Inaccurate implementation

The above likelihood can be naively implemented in R as follows:

loglik_inaccurate <- function(t, d, alpha, beta) {
  hazard <- prod((alpha / beta * (t / beta)^(alpha - 1))^d)
  survival <- prod(exp(-(t / beta)^alpha))
  log(hazard * survival)

The log-likelihood is written in terms of products, which are numerically very unstable. Note, for example, that we may get -Inf due to numerical inaccuracies.

loglik_inaccurate(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000) # As it will be clear later on, these are likely values
[1] -Inf

Inefficient implementations

The following two implementations are instead numerically stable but not efficient.

# 1st inefficient implementation
loglik_inefficient1 <- function(t, d, alpha, beta) {
  n <- length(t) # Sample size
  log_hazards <- numeric(n)
  log_survivals <- numeric(n)

  for (i in 1:n) {
    log_hazards[i] <- d[i] * ((alpha - 1) * log(t[i] / beta) + log(alpha / beta))
    log_survivals[i] <- -(t[i] / beta)^alpha
  sum(log_hazards) + sum(log_survivals)

# 2nd inefficient implementation
loglik_inefficient2 <- function(t, d, alpha, beta) {
  n <- length(t) # Sample size
  log_hazards <- NULL
  log_survivals <- NULL

  for (i in 1:n) {
    log_hazards <- c(log_hazards, d[i] * ((alpha - 1) * log(t[i] / beta) + log(alpha / beta)))
    log_survivals <- c(log_survivals, -(t[i] / beta)^alpha)
  sum(log_hazards) + sum(log_survivals)
loglik_inefficient1(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000)
[1] -873.3299
loglik_inefficient2(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000)
[1] -873.3299

Accurate and efficient implementation

The following implementation is instead numerically accurate and more efficient.

# Efficient and numerically stable version
loglik <- function(t, d, alpha, beta) {
  log_hazard <- sum(d * ((alpha - 1) * log(t / beta) + log(alpha / beta)))
  log_survival <- sum(-(t / beta)^alpha)
  log_hazard + log_survival

loglik(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000)
[1] -873.3299


library(rbenchmark) # Library for performing benchmarking

  loglik1 = loglik(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000),
  loglik2 = loglik_inefficient1(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000),
  loglik3 = loglik_inefficient2(t, d, alpha = 0.5, beta = 1000),
  columns = c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"),
  replications = 1000
     test replications elapsed relative
1 loglik1         1000   0.005      1.0
2 loglik2         1000   0.028      5.6
3 loglik3         1000   0.150     30.0

Prior specification

Within the Bayesian framework, we also need to specify prior distributions. Since the course focuses on computations, we will not explore the sensitivity to the prior and present a single “reasonable” choice. Note that both \alpha,\beta are strictly positive, therefore we could choose

\theta_1 = \log{\alpha} \sim \text{N}(0,100), \qquad \theta_2 = \log(\beta) \sim \text{N}(0,100).

Hence, in R, we can define the log-prior and the log-posterior in terms of the transformed parameters \theta = (\theta_1, \theta_2) as follows

logprior <- function(theta) {
  sum(dnorm(theta, 0, sqrt(100), log = TRUE))

logpost <- function(t, d, theta) {
  loglik(t, d, exp(theta[1]), exp(theta[2])) + logprior(theta)


We aim to obtain (possibly correlated) samples from the posterior distribution

f(\theta_1,\theta_2 \mid \textbf{t},\textbf{d}) \propto \mathscr{L}(\theta_1, \theta_2; \textbf{t},\textbf{d})f(\theta_1)f(\theta_2), recalling that \theta_1 = \log{\alpha} and \theta_2 = \log{\beta}. This can be done using a random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

The algorithm we described is implemented in R in the following.

# R represents the number of samples
# burn_in is the number of discarded samples
RMH <- function(R, burn_in, t, d) {
  out <- matrix(0, R, 2) # Initialize an empty matrix to store the values
  theta <- c(0, 0) # Initial values
  logp <- logpost(t, d, theta) # Log-posterior

  for (r in 1:(burn_in + R)) {
    theta_new <- rnorm(2, mean = theta, sd = 0.25) # Propose a new value
    logp_new <- logpost(t, d, theta_new)
    alpha <- min(1, exp(logp_new - logp))
    if (runif(1) < alpha) {
      theta <- theta_new # Accept the value
      logp <- logp_new
    # Store the values after the burn-in period
    if (r > burn_in) {
      out[r - burn_in, ] <- theta

We can now run the algorithm. We choose R = 50000 and burn_in = 5000.

R <- 50000
burn_in <- 5000
library(tictoc) # Library for "timing" the functions

fit_MCMC <- RMH(R, burn_in, t, d)
0.469 sec elapsed

Analysis of the results

Checking the convergence

fit_MCMC <- exp(fit_MCMC) # Back to the original parametrization
fit_MCMC <- as.mcmc(fit_MCMC) # Convert the matrix into a "coda" object

effectiveSize(fit_MCMC) # Effective sample size
    var1     var2 
7325.507 3544.288 
1 - rejectionRate(fit_MCMC) # Acceptance rate
    var1     var2 
0.248005 0.248005 

Estimation of the survival curve

# Grid of values on which the survival function is computed
grid <- seq(0, 3700, length = 50)

# Initialized the empty vectors
S_mean <- numeric(length(grid))
S_upper <- numeric(length(grid))
S_lower <- numeric(length(grid))

for (i in 1:length(grid)) {
  S_mean[i] <- mean(pweibull(grid[i], shape = fit_MCMC[, 1], fit_MCMC[, 2], lower.tail = FALSE))
  S_lower[i] <- quantile(pweibull(grid[i], shape = fit_MCMC[, 1], fit_MCMC[, 2], lower.tail = FALSE), 0.025)
  S_upper[i] <- quantile(pweibull(grid[i], shape = fit_MCMC[, 1], fit_MCMC[, 2], lower.tail = FALSE), 0.975)
data_plot <- data.frame(Time = grid, Mean = S_mean, Upper = S_upper, Lower = S_lower)
ggplot(data = data_plot, aes(x = Time, y = Mean, ymin = Lower, ymax = Upper)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_bw() +
  ylab("Survival function") +
  ylim(c(0, 1)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.1)