Data Mining - CdL CLAMSES
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
“Nonparametric regression might, like linear regression, become an object treasured both for its artistic merit as well as usefulness.”
Leo Breiman
This unit will cover the following topics:
Let us consider again the relationship between a response variable Y_i and a set of covariates \bm{x}_i: Y_i = f(\bm{x}_i) + \epsilon_i, \qquad where \epsilon_i are iid with \mathbb{E}(\epsilon_i) = 0 and \text{var}(\epsilon_i) = \sigma^2.
We do not believe f(\bm{x}) is a polynomial nor it belongs to some parametric family of functions.
Can we fit a nonparametric relationship that does not make strong assumptions on f(\bm{x})? Let us review some old datasets…
dataIn this first example, a drug called “cholestyramine” is administered to n = 164 men.
We observe the pair (x_i, y_i) for each man.
The response y_i is the decrease in cholesterol level over the experiment.
The covariate x_i is a measure of compliance.
We assume, as before, that the data are generated according to Y_i = f(x_i) + \epsilon_i, \quad i=1,\dots,n.
In Unit B we fit a polynomial with degree 3 on this data, although there was some uncertainty.
datasetIn Unit A we considered the auto
We wanted to model the relationship between city.distance
(y) and engine.size
The chosen model involved a non-linear function Y_i = f(x_i) + \epsilon_i, \qquad i=1,\dots,n, where f(x) was “manually” selected.
There are no reasons to believe that f(x) = \alpha x^\beta or that f(x) belongs to any other parametric family.
We would like the data to “speak for themselves.”
datasetData consist of variables y accelerometer (accel
) readings, taken through time x (times
The n = 133 observations were measured during a simulated motor-cycle crash experiment, for testing the efficacy of crash helmets.
Some characteristics of the data:
It is of interest to discern the general shape of the underlying acceleration curve.
dataset, it is not obvious which parametric function we should consider, therefore this route is not an option.In theory polynomials can approximate a large class of functions, as a consequence of Taylor’s expansion theorem.
In the statistical practice, however, polynomial regression is not very well suited for modeling complex relationships.
When performing flexible regression, we expect the prediction at x_i to depend on observations close to x_i. However, polynomials are not local.
Instead, in polynomial regression points that are far away from x_i have a big impact on \hat{f}(x_i). This produces spurious oscillations at the boundaries and unstable estimates.
This is known as Runge’s phenomenon in numerical analysis.
data)The only assumption we are making in this Unit is the following additive structure Y_i = f(x_i) + \epsilon_i, \qquad i=1,\dots,n, where \epsilon_i are iid with \mathbb{E}(\epsilon_i) = 0 and \text{var}(\epsilon_i) = \sigma^2. This structure can be relaxed even further.
Let \tilde{Y}_i be a new data point. In Unit B we showed that under the quadratic loss \mathbb{E}\left[\{\tilde{Y}_i - \hat{f}(x_i)\}^2\right], the best prediction \hat{f}(x_i), i.e. the one minimizing the loss, coincides with \hat{f}(x_i) = \mathbb{E}(\tilde{Y}_i) = f(x_i), which is the conditional expectation of Y_i given the value x_i, called regression function.
The regression function f(x_i) = \mathbb{E}(\tilde{Y}_i) is the optimal prediction even in presence of heteroschedastic data or when the above additive decomposition does not hold.
We do not know f(x), but the previous formulas suggest that we could consider an arithmetic average of the data points.
Hence, a prediction for a generic value x could be obtained as follows: \hat{f}(x) = \frac{1}{n_x}\sum_{i : x_i = x} y_i, \qquad n_x = \sum_{i=1}^n I(x_i = x).
This idea, unfortunately, does not work in most practical cases.
Indeed, in a typical dataset it is very unlikely that there exist multiple observations exactly equal to x among the points (x_i, y_i).
Even if there were values such that x_i = x, the sample size n_x would be so small (e.g. n_x = 1) that the variance of \hat{f}(x) would be extremely high, making this estimator useless.
Instead of considering the values exactly equal to x, we could identify the pairs (x_i, y_i) that are close to (i.e. in a neighbour of) x.
A natural measure of proximity between x and the data points x_i is the Euclidean distance |x_i - x|, but in principle any other metric could be used.
We consider an average of the k values y_i whose x_i are nearest to x, that is: \hat{f}(x) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{N}_x|}\sum_{i \in \mathcal{N}_x} y_i, where \mathcal{N}_x is indeed the set of k points nearest to x in Euclidean distance.
This method is called k-nearest neighbours (KNN).
A convenient way of selecting these weights is through kernel functions: w_i(x) = \frac{1}{h}w\left(\frac{x_i - x}{h}\right), \qquad i=1,\dots,n, where w(\cdot) is a density function, symmetric around the origin, called kernel in this context.
The value h > 0 is a scale factor, sometimes called bandwidth or smoothing parameter.
The fitted function \hat{f}(x) is continuous and is obtained by computing several weighted averages, one for each value of x.
A popular kernel is the Gaussian kernel, that is: w_i(x) = \frac{1}{h} \phi\left(\frac{x_i - x}{h}\right), \qquad i=1,\dots,n, therefore h^2 represents the variance. We will discuss alternative choices later on.
The most important factor, however, is not the functional form of w(\cdot), but rather the smoothing parameter h, which is a complexity parameter.
Indeed, h defines the “smoothing window” on the x-axis, i.e. the relevant data points that are considered for \hat{f}(x).
As with any complexity parameter, h should be chosen via cross-validation or related ideas.
Local linear regression is a refinement of the Nadaraya-Watson estimator that has typically lower bias, especially at the boundaries, without noticeable increases in variance.
If f(x) is differentiable, then it can be approximated with a linear function tangent in x_0: f(x) = \underbrace{f(x_0)}_{\beta_1} + \underbrace{f'(x_0)}_{\beta_2}(x - x_0) + \text{rest}.
Hence, instead of computing a local average (\beta_2 = 0), we consider a local linear model. In other words, for every x we seek the coefficients solving: \hat{\beta}(x) = \left(\hat{\beta}_1(x), \hat{\beta}_2(x)\right) = \arg\min_{(\beta_1, \beta_2)} \sum_{i=1}^n \textcolor{darkblue}{w_i(x)}\left\{y_i - \beta_1 - \textcolor{red}{\beta_2(x_i - x)}\right\}^2.
Once the parameter \hat{\beta}_1(x) and \hat{\beta}_2(x) are obtained, the local linear regression estimator is \hat{f}(x) = \hat{\beta}_1(x) + \hat{\beta}_2(x) (x - x) = \hat{\beta}_1(x).
The local linear regression, as we have seen in Unit A, has an explicit solution: \hat{\beta}(x) = (\bm{X}_x^T\bm{W}_x\bm{X}_x)^{-1}\bm{X}_x^T\bm{W}_x\bm{y}, where the rows of \bm{X}_x are \bm{x}_{i,x} = (1, x_i - x) and \bm{W}_x = \text{diag}\{w_1(x),\dots,w_n(x)\}.
In practice, we do not need to solve this linear algebra problem. An even more explicit and non-iterative solution can be found (see Exercises).
Theorem (Local linear smoothing)
The local linear regression smoother, evaluated in x, admits an explicit expression: \hat{f}(x) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{w_i(x) \{a_2(x) - (x_i - x) a_1(x)\}}{a_2(x)a_0(x) - a_1(x)^2 } y_i = \sum_{i=1}^n s_i(x) y_i, where a_j(x) = n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n w_i(x) (x_i - x)^j, for j=0,1,2.
We will study other members of this class, such as regression and smoothing splines.
Polynomial regression, ridge regression, Gaussian processes and moving averages are also linear smoothers.
The weights of all the smoothers we will use are such that \sum_{i=1}^ns_i(x) = 1 for all x.
Hence, the smoother preserves constant curves, namely if all y_i = c, then \hat{f}(x) = c.
Kernel | w(x) | Support |
Gaussian | \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}}\exp{\left(-\frac{x^2}{2}\right)} | \mathbb{R} |
Rectangular | \frac{1}{2} | (-1, 1) |
Epanechnikov | \frac{3}{4}(1 - x^2) | (-1, 1) |
Bi-quadratic | \frac{15}{16}(1 - x^2)^2 | (-1, 1) |
Tri-cubic | \frac{70}{81}(1 - |x|^3)^3 | (-1, 1) |
Bounded kernels have computational advantages, because one needs to compute averages of a limited number of data points.
On the other hand, bounded kernels may lead to discontinuous derivatives of \hat{f}(x) that could be unappealing in certain contexts.
Theorem (Fan and Gijbels, 1996, Theorem 3.1)
Let (X_i, Y_i) be iid random vectors with g(x) denoting the marginal density of X_i. The conditional law is such that Y_i = f(X_i) + \epsilon_i, with \epsilon_i iid and \mathbb{E}(\epsilon_i) = 0, \text{var}(\epsilon_i) = \sigma^2.
Moreover, suppose g(x) > 0 and that g(\cdot) and f''(\cdot) are continuous in a neighborhood of x. Then, as h \rightarrow 0 and n h \rightarrow \infty we have that for the local linear regression \hat{f}(x) the bias is \mathbb{E}\{\hat{f}(x) - f(x) \} \approx \frac{\textcolor{red}{h^2}}{2}\sigma^2_w f''(x), where \sigma^2_w = \int z^2 w(z)\mathrm{d}z. In addition, the variance is \text{var}\{\hat{f}(x)\} \approx \frac{\sigma^2}{\textcolor{darkblue}{n h}} \frac{\alpha_w}{g(x)}, where \alpha_w = \int w^2(z)\mathrm{d}z.
The previous theorem shows that bias is of order h^2 and the variance is of order (1 / nh).
Once again, there is a trade-off because we would like h \rightarrow 0 but, at the same time, we need to keep the variance under control.
Unfortunately, h_\text{opt}(x) is of little practical utility, as it involves the unknown terms f''(x), g(x) and \sigma^2. However, it highlights two important facts:
The bandwidth h should decrease at the rate n^{-1/5}, i.e. quite slowly.
If we plug-in h_\text{opt}(x) into the bias/variance formulas, we get that the mean squared error tends to 0 at the rate n^{-4/5}, which is much slower than the parametric case n^{-1}.
Compared to the Nadaraya-Watson estimator, local linear regression corrects the first-order term of the bias, without affecting the variance sensibly.
Indeed, it can be shown that the asymptotic variance of Nadaraya-Watson and local linear regression is the same, but the asymptotic bias is different.
To get an intuition of this, consider the following Taylor expansion for \mathbb{E}\{\hat{f}(x)\} around x, and for the local linear regression case: \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}\{\hat{f}(x)\} &= \sum_{i=1}^n s_i(x)f(x_i) \\ & = f(x)\underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^ns_i(x)}_{=1} + f'(x) \underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i - x)s_i(x)}_{=0} + \frac{f''(x)}{2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i - x)^2s_i(x) + \text{rest}. \end{aligned}
It can be shown with some algebra that the first-order term simplifies (=0) in the local linear regression case, but it doesn’t for the Nadaraya-Watson, therefore reducing the bias.
In practice, we need to choose the bandwidth by other means. A first solution is based on information criteria such as the C_p or the AIC/BIC.
However, as before, their usage requires a suitable notion of effective degrees of freedom.
Effective degrees of freedom for linear smoothers
Let \hat{f}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^ns_i(x)y_i be a linear smoother. Then the effective degrees of freedom are \text{df}_\text{sm} = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n\text{cov}(Y_i, \hat{f}(x_i)) =\frac{1}{\sigma^2} \text{tr}\{\text{cov}(\bm{Y}, \bm{S}\bm{Y})\} = \frac{\sigma^2}{\sigma^2}\text{tr} (\bm{S}) = \text{tr} (\bm{S}).
A linear smoother is called projective if it has the above property.
All the linear smoothers presented in this unit (Nadaraya-Watson, local linear regression, regression an smoothing splines) are projective (see Exercises).
Theorem (LOO-CV for linear smoothers)
Let \hat{y}_{-i} = \hat{f}_{-i}(x_i) be the leave-one-out predictions of a projective linear smoother and let \hat{\bm{y}} = \bm{S}\bm{y} be the predictions of the full model. Then: y_i - \hat{y}_{-i} = \frac{y_i - \hat{y}_i}{1 - [\bm{S}]_{ii}}, \qquad i=1,\dots,n. Therefore, the leave-one-out mean squared error is \widehat{\mathrm{Err}} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \left(\frac{y_i - \hat{y}_i}{1 - [\bm{S}]_{ii}}\right)^2.
Sometimes it is convenient to choose h adaptively, i.e. specifying a variable bandwidth h(x) that depends on the local density of the data.
Indeed, recall that the asymptotic variance depends on the sampling design of the x_is \text{var}\{\hat{f}(x)\} \approx \frac{\sigma^2}{n h} \frac{\alpha_w}{\textcolor{darkblue}{g(x)}}.
(Cleveland, 1979) considers a fixed percentage of data points (assuming a bounded kernel is used), which automatically induces a variable bandwidth, as in KNN.loess
algorithm combines the variable bandwidth with some robust estimation ideas, so that outliers less influence the resulting estimate.loess
is a short-hand for “locally weighted estimated scatterplot smoothing”.The concept of local regression and varying coefficients is extremely broad.
In principle, any parametric model can be made local as long as it accommodates weights.
The computations and the theory are not as straightforward and limpid as in the regression case, but they do hold in an approximate sense.
Once again, the conceptual scheme is: (i) perform a quadratic approximation of the log-likelihood; (ii) proceed as in the regression case.
Local linear regression can be applied when two or more covariates, say p, are used. Let us begin with two covariates so that y_i = f(x_{i1}, x_{i2}) + \epsilon_i.
To estimate f on a specific point \bm{x} = (x_1,x_2)^T, a natural extension of local linear regression takes the form \hat{\beta}(\bm{x}) = \arg\min_{(\beta_1, \beta_2, \beta_3)} \sum_{i=1}^n w_i(\bm{x})\left\{y_i - \beta_1 - \beta_2(x_{i1} - x_1) - \beta_3(x_{i2} - x_2) \right\}^2.
A common way of choosing the weights w_i(\bm{x}) is to set w_i(\bm{x}) = \frac{1}{h_1 h_2} w\left(\frac{x_{i1} - x_1}{h_1}\right)w\left(\frac{x_{i2} - x_2}{h_2}\right).
Clearly, this now involves the choice of two different smoothing parameters.
Local linear regression is a nonparametric estimator for unknown functions f(x) which makes very few assumptions on its form.
The procedure is simple and computationally efficient.
The smoothing parameter h can be easily handled, since \hat{f}(x) a linear smoother.
There is a price to pay for not making assumptions: estimation is less efficient in terms of mean squared error compared to parametric models (when they are correctly specified!).
This is a drawback of all nonparametric estimators, not just local linear regression.
Let h_1(x), \dots, h_p(x) be pre-specified functions h_j(x) : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} that transform the original predictor x in some non-linear fashion. Then, we let f(x;\beta) = \sum_{j=1}^p h_j(x) \beta_j, where \beta = (\beta_1, \dots, \beta_p)^T is a vector of unknown coefficients.
Polynomials are a specific instance of basis expansion, in which h_1(x) = 1, \quad h_2(x) = x, \quad h_3(x) = x^2, \quad \dots \quad h_p(x) = x^{p-1}.
Splines are piecewise polynomial functions with smoothness and continuity constraints.
Originally developed for ship-building to draw a smooth curve through a set of points.
The solution was to place metal weights (called knots) at the control points, and bend a thin metal or wooden beam (called a spline) through the weights.
Definition (Spline of degree d)
Let \xi_1 < \cdots < \xi_k be a set of ordered points called knots belonging to the interval (a, b).
A spline f(x; \beta) : (a, b) \rightarrow \mathbb{R} of degree d is a piecewise polynomial function of degree d that has continuous derivatives up to order d - 1.
Definition (Cubic spline, d = 3)
Letting \xi_1 < \dots < \xi_k denote a set of ordered knots, a cubic spline f(x; \beta) is a piecewise cubic polynomial that has continuous first and second derivatives.
Theorem (Truncated power basis)
Let \xi_1 < \cdots < \xi_k be a set of ordered points called knots belonging to (a, b). Let h_j(x) = x^{j-1}, \qquad j=1,\dots,d + 1, and h_j(x) = (x - \xi_j)_+^d, \qquad j = 2 + d, \dots, k + d + 1. Then, the functions \{h_1,\dots,h_{k+d + 1}\} form a basis for the set of splines of degree d at these knots, called the truncated power basis.
Thus, any dth degree spline f(x, \beta) with these knots can be written as a basis expansion f(x; \beta) = \sum_{j=1}^{k+d+1}h_j(x) \beta_j.
Let f(x;\beta) = \sum_{j=1}^p h_j(x)\beta_j. Then, the ordinary least squares for \beta are obtained as usual: \hat{\beta} = (\bm{B}^T\bm{B})^{-1}\bm{B}^T\bm{y} \implies \hat{f}(x) = \sum_{j=1}^p h_j(x)\hat{\beta}_j = \sum_{i=1}^n s_i(x) y_i.
Hence, regression splines are another instance of linear smoother (actually, of linear model). The smoothing matrix in this case is \bm{S} = \bm{B} (\bm{B}^T\bm{B})^{-1}\bm{B}^T, so that \text{tr}(\bm{S}) = p.
default), to get variable bandwidth.Definition (Natural cubic spline)
A natural cubic spline f(x; \beta) is a cubic spline which is linear beyond the boundary knots \xi_1 and \xi_k, which means f''(\xi_1) = f''(\xi_k) = 0.
A set of n \ge 2 distinct points (x_i, y_i) can be interpolated using a natural cubic spline with the data points x_1 < \dots < x_n as knots. The interpolating natural cubic spline is unique.
Despite their conceptual simplicity, the truncated power basis and its “natural” modification are not used in practice, due to ill-conditioning.
Indeed, the condition number of \bm{B}^T\bm{B} using a truncated power basis is very large, leading to numerical inaccuracies.
For this reason, more computationally convenient bases are preferred. This means we will consider an equivalent set of functions \mathcal{B}_1(x),\dots,\mathcal{B}_p(x) such that \mathcal{B}_j(x) = \sum_{\ell=1}^p\gamma_{\ell j} h_\ell(x), \qquad j=1,\dots,p, for some set of weights \gamma_{\ell j} that makes this transformation one-to-one.
Since we are performing a linear transformation, if ordinary least squares are used, this does not change the fit.
A particularly convenient basis are B-splines, which are local and numerically stable. They admit a direct construction; i.e., we do not need to compute the coefficients \gamma_{\ell j}.
The intercept term is implicitly included in a B-spline basis, in fact \sum_{j=1}^{k + d + 1}\mathcal{B}_{j, d}(x) = 1, \qquad x \in (a, b).
B-splines \tau have local support, which means that for j=1,\dots,k + 2d + 1 - m we have \begin{aligned} &\mathcal{B}_{j, d}(x) = 0, \qquad x \not\in (\tau_j, \tau_{j+d+1}), \\ &\mathcal{B}_{j, d}(x) > 0, \qquad x \in (\tau_j, \tau_{j+d +1}). \end{aligned} This implies that the support of cubic B-splines is at most 4 knots.
The presence of structural zeros implies that, when computing ordinary least squares, extremely efficient Cholesky factorization for banded matrices can be exploited.
The B-spline basis can be modified to produce a natural cubic spline, by numerically enforcing the linearity constraint. This is implemented in the ns
R function.
Regression splines is a semi-parametric estimator for unknown functions f(x).
They are essentially a linear model with smart covariates that account for non-linearity. Hence, the procedure is simple and computationally efficient (thanks to B-splines).
The smoothing parameter k is discrete and can be easily handled, being directly associated with the number of degrees of freedom.
They are trivial to extend to generalized linear models.
Knot placement based on quantiles or other automatic choices could be inefficient.
Manual placement of the knots is out of question because it is an almost impossible optimization problem.
We consider as our estimator the minimizer of the above loss, that is \hat{f}(x) = \arg\min_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \mathscr{L}(f; \lambda), where \mathcal{F} is a sufficiently regular functional space (Sobolev space).
The roughness penalty quantifies the “wiggliness” of the curve. There are two extremes:
Theorem (Green and Silverman, 1994)
Let n_0 \le n be the distinct points among x_1,\dots,x_n, with x_i \in (a,b). Suppose n_0 \ge 3.
Then, for any \lambda > 0 the minimizer of \mathscr{L}(f; \lambda) is unique and is a natural cubic spline with n_0 knots at the distinct points.
The Green and Silverman theorem is remarkably elegant and powerful.
Since the solution is a natural cubic spline, we can write it as follows: f(x; \beta) = \sum_{j=1}^{n_0} N_j(x)\beta_j, whose coefficients \beta still needs to be determined.
The above formula is not used in practice directly. The smooth.spline
R implementation relies on B-splines to make computations fast and stable.
Alternatively, the so-called Reinsch (1967) algorithm has computational complexity \sim n.
Nonetheless, the 2d case is extremely useful in spatial statistics, in which x_1 and x_2 represent longitude and latitude.
There will be a strong connection between the smoothers we have seen in this unit and the so-called kriging equations.
Smoothing splines have a Bayesian interpretation, being an instance of Gaussian process.
From a theoretical perspective, there exists (Chapter 5.8 of HTF, 2011) an elegant theory based on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, that unifies:
Pro-tip (a joke?)
“If you want to derive an estimator that performs well in practice, define a Bayesian model, derive the posterior mean, call this a frequentist estimator, and hide all evidence you ever considered a Bayesian approach.” Credits to Eric B. Laber
Smoothing splines is a nonparametric estimator for unknown functions f(x).
They are a linear smoother with variable bandwidth.
Compared to regression splines, they do not require the choice of the knots.
Simple and efficient algorithms for computing 1d smoothing splines exist, such as smooth.spline
available in R.
Efficient implementations require a profound knowledge of linear algebra, B-spline basis, etc.
Hence, the “manual” incorporation (i.e., the coding) of smoothing splines into bigger, non-standard models is not straightforward.
Comments and limitations about the KNN method
The number of neighbours k influences how “local” is the estimate.
When k is low, the KNN estimator \hat{f}(x) has high variance. The extreme case k = 1 corresponds to an “average” of a single data point.
When k is high, the KNN estimator \hat{f}(x) is not local and it has high bias. The extreme case k = n produces a constant, i.e., the average of all the observations.
The k-nearest neighbors produce a sensible result, but the method can be improved.
The blue curve is bumpy, because \hat{f}(x) is discontinuous in x.
Indeed, as we move x from left to right, the k-nearest neighborhood remains constant until a new point x_i to the right of x is included, and one to the left is excluded.
This discontinuity is ugly and unnecessary. We are looking instead for a smooth prediction.