About me
I am an Assistant Professor of Statistical Science (RTD-B, SECS-S/01) at the department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) of University of Milano-Bicocca. I currently live in Milan, Italy.
I am a member of the BayesLab at the Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics (BIDSA), and the MIDAS Complex Data Modeling Research Network.
My curriculum vitae is available here. A complete list of publications is available here.
Research interests: applied Bayesian modeling; Bayesian clustering; Bayesian nonparametrics; computational statistics; generalized Bayes; functional data analysis; mixture models; species sampling models.
E-mail: tommaso.rigon@unimib.it
News and awards
[2025] Bnews Bicocca (ITA). Statistica, tripletta di premi internazionali per il ricercatore di Bicocca Tommaso Rigon
[2024] Blackwell and Rosenbluth Award 2024. The award aims at recognizing outstanding junior Bayesian researchers based on their overall contribution to the field and to the community. Junior Section of International Society for Bayesian Analysis (j-ISBA). [Award] [News]
[2024] I am part of the j-ISBA Peer Mentoring, which is meant to provide advice on academic matters. [Program Info]
[2024] Mitchell Prize 2023 for the paper “Extended Stochastic Block Models with Application to Criminal Networks”. International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). [Award]
[2024] Daniele Durante was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for the project NEMESIS, focusing on the sociogenesis of criminal networks. I am very happy to be involved in the research group!
[2022] National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor in Statistics (13/D1).
[2021] Young Talents Award 2021. University of Milano-Bicocca, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. [Award]
[2020] Savage Award 2020 (Theory and Methods). The Savage Award (Theory and Methods) is bestowed each year to an outstanding doctoral dissertations that makes important original contributions to the foundations, theoretical developments, and/or general methodology of Bayesian analysis. American Statistical Association (ASA), International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). [Award] [News]