Bayesian computations

MALA algorithm, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo & Pólya-gamma data augmentation


Tommaso Rigon


In this unit, we discuss several advanced MCMC strategies that have been presented in the slides of unit B.2 and slides of unit C.2, including MALA, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and the Gibbs sampling based on the Pólya-gamma data augmentation.

We will implement these proposals using the “famous” Pima Indian dataset, as in the previous Markdown document B.1. Let me stress again that the purpose of this unit is mainly to present the implementation of the various MCMC algorithms and not make “inferences” about their general performance. Refer to the excellent paper by Chopin & Ridgway (2017) for a more comprehensive discussion on this aspect.

Pima indian dataset

We will use the Pima Indian dataset again, as in the previous Markdown document B.1. Importantly, note that in this document, we will not standardize the predictors to make the computational problem more challenging.

Pima <- rbind(, MASS::Pima.te)
y <- as.numeric(Pima$type == "Yes") # Binary outcome
X <- cbind(1, model.matrix(type ~ . - 1, data = Pima)) # Design matrix

As done in Markdown document B.1, we will employ a relatively vague prior centered at 0, namely \beta \sim N(0, 100 I_p). Then, we implement the log-likelihood, the log-posterior, and the gradient of the likelihood.

# Log-likelihood of a logistic regression model
loglik <- function(beta, y, X) {
  eta <- c(X %*% beta)
  sum(y * eta - log(1 + exp(eta)))

# Log-posterior
logpost <- function(beta, y, X) {
  loglik(beta, y, X) + sum(dnorm(beta, 0, 10, log = T))

# Gradient of the logposterior
lgradient <- function(beta, y, X) {
  probs <- plogis(c(X %*% beta))
  loglik_gr <- c(crossprod(X, y - probs))
  prior_gr <- -beta / 100
  loglik_gr + prior_gr

# Summary table for the six considered methods
summary_tab <- matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 4)
colnames(summary_tab) <- c("Seconds", "Average ESS", "Average ESS per sec", "Average acceptance rate")
rownames(summary_tab) <- c("MH Laplace + Rcpp", "MALA", "MALA tuned", "HMC", "STAN", "Pólya-Gamma")

Metropolis-Hastings (Laplace) and Rcpp

We first consider a random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm based on Rcpp implementation. The source code can be found this file. Again, we use the Fisher information matrix as a quick estimate for the covariance matrix. Refer to the slides of unit B.1 for more about this idea.

R <- 30000
burn_in <- 5000

# Covariance matrix is selected via Laplace approximation
fit_logit <- glm(y ~ X - 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
p <- ncol(X)
S <- 2.38^2 * vcov(fit_logit) / p

# Running the MCMC
start.time <- Sys.time()
fit_MCMC <- as.mcmc(RMH_arma(R, burn_in, y, X, S)) # Convert the matrix into a "coda" object
end.time <- Sys.time()

time_in_sec <- as.numeric(difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "secs"))

# Diagnostic
summary(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Effective sample size
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1103    1154    1163    1166    1192    1204 
summary(R / effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Integrated autocorrelation time
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  24.93   25.16   25.79   25.75   26.01   27.19 
summary(1 - rejectionRate(fit_MCMC)) # Acceptance rate
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.2682  0.2682  0.2682  0.2682  0.2682  0.2682 
# Summary statistics
summary_tab[1, ] <- c(
  time_in_sec, mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)),
  mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) / time_in_sec,
  1 - mean(rejectionRate(fit_MCMC))

# Traceplot of the intercept
plot(fit_MCMC[, 1:2])

MALA algorithm

The MALA algorithm is described in the slides of unit B.2. Here we propose a general implementation that specifies a pre-conditioning matrix S and a scaling parameter epsilon.

# R represents the number of samples
# burn_in is the number of discarded samples
# epsilon, S are tuning parameter
MALA <- function(R, burn_in, y, X, epsilon, S) {
  p <- ncol(X)
  out <- matrix(0, R, p) # Initialize an empty matrix to store the values
  beta <- rep(0, p) # Initial values
  A <- chol(S) # Cholesky of S
  S1 <- solve(S) # Inverse of S

  lgrad <- c(S %*% lgradient(beta, y, X)) # Compute the gradient
  logp <- logpost(beta, y, X)

  sigma2 <- epsilon^2 / p^(1 / 3)
  sigma <- sqrt(sigma2)

  # Starting the Gibbs sampling
  for (r in 1:(burn_in + R)) {
    beta_new <- beta + sigma2 / 2 * lgrad + sigma * c(crossprod(A, rnorm(p)))

    logpnew <- logpost(beta_new, y, X)
    lgrad_new <- c(S %*% lgradient(beta_new, y, X))

    diffold <- beta - beta_new - sigma2 / 2 * lgrad_new
    diffnew <- beta_new - beta - sigma2 / 2 * lgrad

    qold <- -diffold %*% S1 %*% diffold / (2 * sigma2)
    qnew <- -diffnew %*% S1 %*% diffnew / (2 * sigma2)

    alpha <- min(1, exp(logpnew - logp + qold - qnew))
    if (runif(1) < alpha) {
      logp <- logpnew
      lgrad <- lgrad_new
      beta <- beta_new # Accept the value
    # Store the values after the burn-in period
    if (r > burn_in) {
      out[r - burn_in, ] <- beta

The first run of the MALA algorithm is performed using a diagonal matrix (i.e., no pre-conditioning). As detailed in the slides of unit B.2, this is expected to perform poorly.


epsilon <- 0.0017 # After some trial and error

# Running the MCMC
start.time <- Sys.time()
fit_MCMC <- as.mcmc(MALA(R = R, burn_in = burn_in, y, X, epsilon, S = diag(ncol(X)))) # Convert the matrix into a "coda" object
end.time <- Sys.time()
time_in_sec <- as.numeric(difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "secs"))

# Diagnostic
summary(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Effective sample size
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  2.900   9.358  27.201  44.321  46.238 166.223 
summary(R / effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Integrated autocorrelation time
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  180.5   728.7  1208.5  2671.3  3283.2 10343.4 
summary(1 - rejectionRate(fit_MCMC)) # Acceptance rate
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.5638  0.5638  0.5638  0.5638  0.5638  0.5638 
# Summary statistics
summary_tab[2, ] <- c(
  time_in_sec, mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)),
  mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) / time_in_sec,
  1 - mean(rejectionRate(fit_MCMC))

# Traceplot of the intercept
plot(fit_MCMC[, 1:2])

MALA algorithm with pre-conditioning

In this second implementation of MALA, we rely instead on the Fisher information matrix, as in the RWM example. This indeed leads to much better results.

R <- 30000
burn_in <- 5000

epsilon <- 1.68 # After some trial and error

# Covariance matrix is selected via Laplace approximation
fit_logit <- glm(y ~ X - 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
S <- vcov(fit_logit)

# Running the MCMC
start.time <- Sys.time()
fit_MCMC <- as.mcmc(MALA(R = R, burn_in = burn_in, y, X, epsilon, S)) # Convert the matrix into a "coda" object
end.time <- Sys.time()
time_in_sec <- as.numeric(difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "secs"))

# Diagnostic
summary(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Effective sample size
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   8583    8762    9196    9063    9312    9409 
summary(R / effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Integrated autocorrelation time
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  3.189   3.222   3.263   3.314   3.424   3.495 
summary(1 - rejectionRate(fit_MCMC)) # Acceptance rate
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.5686  0.5686  0.5686  0.5686  0.5686  0.5686 
# Summary statistics
summary_tab[3, ] <- c(
  time_in_sec, mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)),
  mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) / time_in_sec,
  1 - mean(rejectionRate(fit_MCMC))

# Traceplot of the intercept
plot(fit_MCMC[, 1:2])

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

The following HMC function implements Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for a general parametric model. As before, the object S represents a pre-conditioning matrix. This code is an adaptation of the one written by Neal (2011).

HMC <- function(R, burn_in, y, X, epsilon, S, L = 10) {
  p <- ncol(X)
  out <- matrix(0, R, p) # Initialize an empty matrix to store the values
  beta <- rep(0, p) # Initial values
  logp <- logpost(beta, y, X) # Initial log-posterior
  S1 <- solve(S)
  A1 <- chol(S1)

  # Starting the Gibbs sampling
  for (r in 1:(burn_in + R)) {
    P <- c(crossprod(A1, rnorm(p))) # Auxiliary variables
    logK <- c(P %*% S %*% P / 2) # Kinetic energy at the beginning of the trajectory

    # Make a half step for momentum at the beginning
    beta_new <- beta
    Pnew <- P + epsilon * lgradient(beta_new, y, X) / 2

    # Alternate full steps for position and momentum
    for (l in 1:L) {
      # Make a full step for the position
      beta_new <- beta_new + epsilon * c(S %*% Pnew)
      # Make a full step for the momentum, except at the end of the trajectory
      if (l != L) Pnew <- Pnew + epsilon * lgradient(beta_new, y, X)
    # Make a half step for momentum at the end.
    Pnew <- Pnew + epsilon * lgradient(beta_new, y, X) / 2

    # Negate momentum at the end of the trajectory to make the proposal symmetric
    Pnew <- - Pnew

    # Evaluate potential and kinetic energies at the end of the trajectory
    logpnew <- logpost(beta_new, y, X)
    logKnew <- Pnew %*% S %*% Pnew / 2 

    # Accept or reject the state at the end of the trajectory, returning either
    # the position at the end of the trajectory or the initial position
    if (runif(1) < exp(logpnew - logp + logK - logKnew)) {
      logp <- logpnew
      beta <- beta_new # Accept the value

    # Store the values after the burn-in period
    if (r > burn_in) {
      out[r - burn_in, ] <- beta

We run the HMC using the usual Fisher information matrix as a covariance matrix.


epsilon <- 0.25 # After some trial and error
L <- 10

# Covariance matrix is selected via Laplace approximation
fit_logit <- glm(y ~ X - 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
S <- vcov(fit_logit)

# Running the MCMC
start.time <- Sys.time()
fit_MCMC <- as.mcmc(HMC(R = R, burn_in = burn_in, y, X, epsilon, S, L)) # Convert the matrix into a "coda" object
end.time <- Sys.time()
time_in_sec <- as.numeric(difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "secs"))

# Diagnostic
summary(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Effective sample size
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 215765  222946  226610  225565  228360  233334 
summary(R / effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Integrated autocorrelation time
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.1286  0.1314  0.1324  0.1331  0.1346  0.1390 
summary(1 - rejectionRate(fit_MCMC)) # Acceptance rate
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.9892  0.9892  0.9892  0.9892  0.9892  0.9892 
# Summary statistics
summary_tab[4, ] <- c(
  time_in_sec, mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)),
  mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) / time_in_sec,
  1 - mean(rejectionRate(fit_MCMC))

# Traceplot of the intercept
plot(fit_MCMC[, 1:2])

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (Stan)

For the sake of completeness, we also present the results obtained using the Stan software, which must be installed alongside the rstan R package. The logistic.stan is available in this repository. The following chunk of code compiles the model in C++.


# I am not counting the compilation time
stan_compiled <- stan_model(file = "logistic.stan") # Stan program

We then sample the MCMC values and store the results.

# Running the MCMC
start.time <- Sys.time()
fit_HMC <- sampling(
  stan_compiled, # The stan file has been previously compiled
  data = list(X = X, y = y, n = nrow(X), p = ncol(X)), # named list of data
  chains = 1, # number of Markov chains
  warmup = burn_in, # Burn-in iterations per chain
  iter = R + burn_in # Total number of iterations per chain

Chain 1: 
Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 2.7e-05 seconds
Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 0.27 seconds.
Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
Chain 1: 
Chain 1: 
Chain 1: Iteration:     1 / 35000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1: Iteration:  3500 / 35000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1: Iteration:  5001 / 35000 [ 14%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration:  8500 / 35000 [ 24%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 12000 / 35000 [ 34%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 15500 / 35000 [ 44%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 19000 / 35000 [ 54%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 22500 / 35000 [ 64%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 26000 / 35000 [ 74%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 29500 / 35000 [ 84%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 33000 / 35000 [ 94%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: Iteration: 35000 / 35000 [100%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1: 
Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 2.634 seconds (Warm-up)
Chain 1:                17.378 seconds (Sampling)
Chain 1:                20.012 seconds (Total)
Chain 1: 
end.time <- Sys.time()
time_in_sec <- as.numeric(difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "secs"))

fit_HMC <- as.mcmc(extract(fit_HMC)$beta)

# Diagnostic
summary(effectiveSize(fit_HMC)) # Effective sample size
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  30000   30000   30000   30818   31389   33627 
summary(R / effectiveSize(fit_HMC)) # Integrated autocorrelation time
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.8921  0.9558  1.0000  0.9749  1.0000  1.0000 
summary(1 - rejectionRate(fit_HMC)) # Acceptance rate
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      1       1       1       1       1       1 
# Summary statistics
summary_tab[5, ] <- c(
  time_in_sec, mean(effectiveSize(fit_HMC)),
  mean(effectiveSize(fit_HMC)) / time_in_sec,
  1 - mean(rejectionRate(fit_HMC))

# Traceplot of the intercept
plot(fit_HMC[, 1:2])

Pólya-gamma data-augmentation

The Pólya-gamma data augmentation is described in the paper Polson, N. G., Scott, J. G. and Windle J. (2013). The simulation of the Pólya-gamma random variables is handled by the function rpg.devroye within the BayesLogit R package.


logit_Gibbs <- function(R, burn_in, y, X, B, b) {
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  out <- matrix(0, R, p) # Initialize an empty matrix to store the values

  P <- solve(B) # Prior precision matrix
  Pb <- P %*% b # Term appearing in the Gibbs sampling

  Xy <- crossprod(X, y - 1 / 2)

  # Initialization
  beta <- rep(0, p)

  # Iterative procedure
  for (r in 1:(R + burn_in)) {

    # Sampling the Pólya-gamma latent variables
    eta <- c(X %*% beta)
    omega <- rpg.devroye(num = n, h = 1, z = eta)

    # Sampling beta
    eig <- eigen(crossprod(X * sqrt(omega)) + P, symmetric = TRUE)

    Sigma <- crossprod(t(eig$vectors) / sqrt(eig$values))
    mu <- Sigma %*% (Xy + Pb)

    A1 <- t(eig$vectors) / sqrt(eig$values)
    beta <- mu + c(matrix(rnorm(1 * p), 1, p) %*% A1)

    # Store the values after the burn-in period
    if (r > burn_in) {
      out[r - burn_in, ] <- beta
B <- diag(100, ncol(X)) # Prior covariance matrix
b <- rep(0, ncol(X)) # Prior mean

# Running the MCMC
start.time <- Sys.time()
fit_MCMC <- as.mcmc(logit_Gibbs(R, burn_in, y, X, B, b)) # Convert the matrix into a "coda" object
end.time <- Sys.time()
time_in_sec <- as.numeric(difftime(end.time, start.time, units = "secs"))

# Diagnostic
summary(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Effective sample size
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   9947   14015   15400   14990   16649   18355 
summary(R / effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) # Integrated autocorrelation time
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  1.634   1.802   1.951   2.068   2.145   3.016 
summary(1 - rejectionRate(fit_MCMC)) # Acceptance rate
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      1       1       1       1       1       1 
# Summary statistics
summary_tab[6, ] <- c(
  time_in_sec, mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)),
  mean(effectiveSize(fit_MCMC)) / time_in_sec,
  1 - mean(rejectionRate(fit_MCMC))

# Traceplot of the intercept
plot(fit_MCMC[, 1:2])


The above algorithm’s summary statistics are reported in the table below.

Seconds Average ESS Average ESS per sec Average acceptance rate
MH Laplace + Rcpp 0.3050251 1165.75640 3821.83760 0.2682089
MALA 1.3590000 44.32131 32.61318 0.5637855
MALA tuned 1.3295691 9063.31983 6816.73470 0.5686190
HMC 8.1282759 225565.16881 27750.67830 0.9892330
STAN 20.3272889 30818.17168 1516.09848 1.0000000
Pólya-Gamma 5.8158290 14989.73418 2577.40282 1.0000000